When exploring the world of Minecraft, you will find many different crops and other edible items growing in the wild. However, wheat is a crop that does not grow anywhere naturally apart from in the village farms.
Even though wheat does not grow anywhere naturally apart from villages, it is one of the most commonly grown crops in Minecraft. This is because its seeds are easy to obtain, and wheat can be used to craft bread which is required for breeding villagers.
This article is a guide to creating a simple wheat farm in Minecraft.
Creating a wheat farm in Minecraft
While looking through all the wheat farms on the internet, you may find a lot of complex designs. However, if you do not require a ton of wheat, building a basic wheat farm and harvesting the crops from time to time will get you sufficient amounts of wheat.
Another upside of a basic wheat farm is that it does not require a lot of different items for building it, and you can expand it quite easily in future, depending on the area you have chosen to build the farm in. It is recommended that you avoid building farms in an area with steep terrains because you will have to spend a lot of time trying to make a flat platform to grow the crops.
Items you will need for creating a basic wheat farm in Minecraft
- 1 Water Bucket
- 80 Wheat Seeds
- 35 Wooden fences of preffered type
- 1 Fencegate of preffered type
- 1 Hoe
Acquiring these items
- Water Bucket: Empty buckets can be crafted using three iron ingots. To do so, you need to place them in a V shape in the crafting grid of the crafting table. Once an empty bucket has been crafted, use it on a water source such as a river to fill the bucket with water.
- Wheat seeds: The best way of obtaining wheat is punching grass. Every variant of grass in Minecraft will drop 0-1 wheat seed. Probably don’t, but if you do have an item with the Fortune enchantment, using it, you can acquire more seeds per grass.
- Wooden fences: Fences are required to make sure that mobs cannot enter your farm and accidentally break your growing crops. A fence can be crafted using four planks and two sticks. You will need 140 planks and 70 sticks to craft the required 35 fences. Both the sticks and planks need to be of the same type. You can look up the recipe in the recipe book.
- Fence gate: Like fences, fence gates are craftable items. You will need them to make an entrance for the farm as normal fences cannot be jumped over. The ingredients for crafting a fence gate are four sticks and two planks of the preferred type.
- Hoe: Hoe is a craftable tool that you will need to till the grass blocks. A wooden hoe is good enough for creating a simple farm. To get a wooden hoe, place two planks and two sticks in the crafting grid.
Steps for making the farm
Step 1: Find the perfect spot
It would be best to try to avoid cold biomes as water in those biomes will freeze, and the crops won’t grow. Choose any area preferably close to your base that is at least 10×10 blocks wide and completely flat.
Step 2: Place the water and till the grass blocks

In the center of the selected plot, dig a 1×1 hole and place water in it using the water bucket.
Then, using a hoe, till all dirt/grass blocks in a 4 block radius of the water as shown in the above picture. This can be done by right-clicking on the dirt blocks with a hoe equipped. The dirt blocks will then become farmland blocks.
Step 3: Plant the seeds and place the fences

Planting seeds is the easiest and most fun part of creating a farm. All you need to do is right-click on the farmland blocks with your wheat seeds in your hand.
Once you are done with placing the seeds, put down the fences around the farm and place the fence gate wherever you desire.
How much wheat does this farm yield

Once the wheat has fully grown, it is ready to be harvested. You can harvest it by simply left-clicking on it. Upon being harvested, it will drop 1 wheat and 1-3 wheat seeds. Therefore, you can get 80 wheat and up to 240 wheat seeds by harvesting the whole farm.